Recap: Margot’s Pizza Pop-up No. 1
[View on Storify] For ticket info, sign up for the Margot’s Pizza mailing list, above. Continue reading Recap: Margot’s Pizza Pop-up No. 1
[View on Storify] For ticket info, sign up for the Margot’s Pizza mailing list, above. Continue reading Recap: Margot’s Pizza Pop-up No. 1
UPDATE: Margot’s Pizza pop up No. 1 is SOLD OUT. It is a ticketed pop-up — sorry, no walk-ups. If you haven’t already, get on the mailing list for notification on ticket sales for the next pop-up. Hi! We have some news. Margot’s Pizza pop-up No. 1 will take place SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2014 from NOON to 2PM. Here’s what you … Continue reading Pop-up No. 1: date and details
The first public pop-up of Margot’s Pizza will likely be a ticketed event. There will be ~24 pizzas available (final number subject to change). Pizzas will be available during specific time slots, and pre-ordering will be done online. It will likely be a prix fixe lunch (details in post). You’ll show up at the time you’ve chosen, pick up your pizza lunch, and grab a table — sort of like the Shake Shack’s ordering system, but online, and days in advance. Continue reading Pop-up No. 1: The question of formatting
Some photos from our second private taste test event. And some details on the pop-up’s likely format. Continue reading Private Tasting No. 2
Here are some photos from the first private tasting event we held. Going into this, we were uncertain we would be able to cook a large volume of pizza quickly enough for a crowd, so we kept things small — about 20 people. I invited some very early Slice supporters and close friends — if … Continue reading Private Tasting No. 1
Another Midtown dough-and-pan hand-off this morning resulted in the pizza you see above. I’m not able to get in to EMILY all that often during the day, so my trusty R&D guy Tim Nguyen has been doing testing there on my behalf before he starts his evening dinner shift at the pizzeria. He’s been testing … Continue reading Test Fire No. 4 at Emily
Good question, and there are as many answers to it as there are bars serving pizza. Which is to say, it’s somewhat fluid. The South Shore of Massachusetts may have the greatest density of this style than any other region, but it’s a genre that appears in other states as well, if in slightly different form.
To my mind, most bar or tavern pies I’m familiar with and love are:
But that’s the physicality of the bar pizza. There is also a communal and spiritual aspect to this style of pizza. The best bar pizza joints are beloved gathering spots that bring together generations and social classes. Continue reading “What is “bar pizza”? (Or “bar pies” or “tavern pizza” or “pub pies” or what have you)”