Pop-up No. 1: The question of formatting

The first public pop-up of Margot’s Pizza will likely be a ticketed event. There will be ~24 pizzas available (final number subject to change). Pizzas will be available during specific time slots, and pre-ordering will be done online. It will likely be a prix fixe lunch (details in post). You’ll show up at the time you’ve chosen, pick up your pizza lunch, and grab a table — sort of like the Shake Shack’s ordering system, but online, and days in advance. Continue reading Pop-up No. 1: The question of formatting

Test Fire No. 4 at Emily

Another Midtown dough-and-pan hand-off this morning resulted in the pizza you see above. I’m not able to get in to EMILY all that often during the day, so my trusty R&D guy Tim Nguyen has been doing testing there on my behalf before he starts his evening dinner shift at the pizzeria. He’s been testing … Continue reading Test Fire No. 4 at Emily