Once again, we had a private friends & family tasting at EMILY* on Saturday, May 31, because we were testing some new oven techniques and needed to see how they would work AT HIGH VOLUME. With all that pizza coming out, why not feed some friends and early/longtime Slice supporters and get their feedback?
And the feedback from this event was … overwhelmingly positive. Of course, the old adage holds that You’re never as good as they say you are, so I’m keeping that in mind as we move forward. After all, there are still A LOT of things we can improve.
That said, we’re confident enough to move to the next phase, which is the public pop-up. (Exact dates are TBD, but if you’re on the email list, you’ll get that info there first.)
I wish we had more oven capacity and more room, because I would have loved to have invited everyone to these tastings who has expressed interest in trying M’sP. As someone who strives to please friends and readers and fellow community members, I found this lack of capacity** to be my only disappointment during the two dry-run/tastings.
To counter the capacity issues in the pop-up, the format we’ll likely go with at launch will be ticketed waves of pizzas — X-many pizzas available during a Y-minute window. That way customers will have a clear expectation of getting their pizza at a given time rather than showing up, putting in an order, and waiting for an hour or more.
Anyway, without further ado, let’s get to the original intent of this post — photos from the event! Take a gander. (All photos by Joshua Bousel)
* EMILY is the pizzeria that, during its off hours on occasional Saturdays, allows me to host Margot’s Pizza testing/events.
* Let it be known that the lack of capacity is due to the longer cook times of the Margot’s Pizza pies. EMILY’s quicker-cooking pizzas come out of the oven there fast and furiously.